There are many popular myths about eLearning—and those myths keep businesses and organizations from leveraging eLearning as a powerful training tool.

Today, we’re going to look at some of the common eLearning misconceptions and identify myth vs. fact.

Myth: eLearning is only for the tech-savvy

Some teams put off the transition to eLearning because they are afraid that their teams will shy away from using the necessary technology. We hear comments like, “That’s too advanced for our team,” or, “We’re just not a tech-savvy crew.”

Fact: In reality, great eLearning is designed intuitively to make it as user-friendly as possible. After all, the Instructional Designer wants the learner to focus on the material, not to waste time trying to figure out course navigation, right?

Even though eLearning is presented in a computer-based format, even the most novice user should be able to execute eLearning training with little to no trouble at all.

Myth: Employees don’t like eLearning

Training isn’t always your team’s most favorite thing in the world—but what they really don’t like is boring training. If you want to prove this is a myth, conduct a survey with your learners after trying both traditional training vs. eLearning training. The only way you’ll know for sure is to ask!

Fact: eLearning presents an opportunity to create an interactive learning experience where the learner actively participates in his or her educational experience.

Myth: eLearning isn’t collaborative

While eLearning does allow for greater independence, there are still many ways to include meaningful discussion and collaboration as well—both within the course, and via blended learning.

Fact: eLearning that includes collaborative scenarios and chat features empowers learners to speak up and participate.

One might even argue that learners are more apt to speak up in an online setting, as it removes the feeling of “all eyes on you” when you contribute in an in-person setting.

Myth: eLearning is too expensive

Depending on your needs, eLearning course costs can vary. But when weighing the costs of traditional learning vs. eLearning, don’t forget to factor in all of the variables—traditional training costs include travel, space rental, material costs, re-prints, instructor fees, and more.

Fact: When you crunch the numbers, you may find that eLearning is actually more cost-effective than the format you’ve been using.

Myth: eLearning puts a trainer out of a job

Making the argument that eLearning replaces a trainer seems to make sense on the surface, but in reality, eLearning is complimented by an in-house instructor. Students need someone there to call on with questions—and they truly benefit when they can participate in an instructor-led dialogue post-eLearning.

Fact: Blended learning, in which both eLearning and traditional learning are used in tandem, creates a rich learning experience—and requires a knowledgeable instructor to lead the conversation.

The Truth About eLearning Misconceptions

Don’t let common myths and misconceptions keep you from taking advantage of an extremely powerful tool. With eLearning, you can help your team train more effectively and efficiently—which means good things for your business.