Businesses and organizations have been legally required to train employees for many years—whether it’s basic safety training, updates on company policies, or new federal and state regulations—you name it. But these required trainings do little (if anything) to improve the skills of team members.

Skill-based training, specifically in an eLearning format, is a form of training that goes beyond necessity and is improving the bottom line of businesses around the world.

In fact, research shows that 77% of US companies are already offering online training to improve their employees’ professional skill sets.

So how can skill-based training offered in an eLearning (or sometimes blended learning) format help individuals and teams improve business? Let’s look at some specific examples.

Sales Training

People who work in sales have a lot to learn—especially if they’re new to the industry. But pre-training sales staff with an eLearning course helps boost confidence and improve success rates by allowing them to get hands-on with lessons before going live in their new roles.

For example: We created a sales orientation eLearning course that focused on scenario based training for employees. Within this skills-based training, learners could conduct simulated sales calls and got performance reviews based on their performance—thus allowing them to sharpen their sales skills by being placed in situations they’re likely to encounter on the job.

Results: This course was a 2012 Articulate GURU Gold winner that empowered trainees to better grasp proper sales techniques before being put into action.

Software Skills

When employees are required to use highly technical software and tools on the job, there can be a high margin of error without proper training. By putting a hands-on software training in an on demand eLearning format, however, individuals can re-visit material and, in turn, reduce mistakes and costly blunders.

For example: A complex tool like Salesforce with many facets and features can be intimidating for inexperienced users. eLearning that lets the learner experiment with the software is directly applicable to their roles—and helps them to get comfortable within the tool.

Results: A highly engaging skill-based training like this means increased ease of use within the software, fewer errors, and less costly mistakes that chip away at a business’s bottom line.

System Implementation

Transitioning to more modern means of doing business can sometimes make employees feel uneasy—whether it’s upgrading the inventory system or switching from paper-based record keeping to electronic files. A simple eLearning course that teaches team members how to use the new system can go a long way.

For example: When transitioning to a new computer based time clock system, one client found that they needed an eLearning course that would teach users the skills they needed to properly access and log their time. A quick eLearning course with videos and illustrated features helped the team understand how to use the system effectively.

Impact: After the skill-based training course, entry errors dropped off and the company spent less time fixing incorrect time clock entries.

The Bottom Line: eLearning Makes Skill-Based Training Easy

Training goes far beyond the minimum requirements when we allow it to. It can make team members more efficient and confident within their jobs, and sharpens their skills so that they can evolve with the business’s changing needs.