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RE: thinking

Custom Corporate Consulting Training Programs

ThinkingKap offers customized consulting services to organizations both domestic and international. Whether your organization lacks an in-house training department or you are simply looking to tap an external expert to help strategize the best curriculum solutions and create training programs, ThinkingKap Learning can help! Get Started

Customized Consulting Services

Top Corporate Training 2021, Manage HRAt the risk of making us sound old, we’ve been creating training solutions for a long time. Seen it all, done it all. One of our favorite things to do with all this experience is help mentor others. Whether you’re simply looking to tap an outside expert to help develop your eLearning strategy, to provide a new perspective on your corporate educational infrastructure or to collaborate with you about your upcoming projects, ThinkingKap offers customized consulting services to organizations of all sizes.

Our input can help your existing training department maximize their effectiveness and answer the constant challenge that faces any training team: how to do more with less and deliver an effective curriculum that earns the approval of employees and management alike.
View our work

What You Can Expect

We provide specialized expertise no matter your corporate education consulting needs. You see, we’re a training company that understands the same business constraints that you have developing training, because we face them every day. We understand project management, keeping up with the latest technology, and the need to watch the bottom line. This means we deliver organizational strategies that take into account the everyday realities faced by training departments.

We offer guidance and experience to help your organization develop, structure and implement strategies that will help you change the way your organization produces, manages, and delivers learning programs.

Our Approach

Our team starts by talking with you about your pain points and identifying your current learning processes and systems. From there, we determine priorities and look for where we can provide the most value in providing you with the knowledge, data, and recommendations so you can make the best decisions for your organization’s unique needs.

Whether you already have stellar training and you need a hand adapting it for customized distribution, or you’re just now enhancing your training and you want help getting there, we’ve got you covered.

Our Process

Service in Action

One of our clients was frequently asked to have subject matter experts create presentations and provide workshops, so they set out to design a curriculum of eLearning courses they could sell within their industry. The demand was so great that they soon found they were in over their heads. Having suddenly found themselves in the training business, they needed help. This is where we came in.

We’ve helped them:

  • Create a curriculum architecture that presented a logical progression of courses by sectors within the industry, that they could then customize based on market demand.
  • Define the levels of customization they would offer to their clients wanting to buy new courses, along with considerations for pricing and positioning in the market.
  • Create eLearning design standards and document development processes and procedures.
  • Select the right eLearning development tool that fit the needs of the courses they planned to develop and then trained them to use it.
  • Create a newly branded creative treatment, giving their training a unique look-and-feel.

They were able to take these strategies and produce outstanding, in-house training that was fully customizable for distribution.

Our training consulting services helped them achieve self-sufficiency, but we didn’t just do the task and leave. ThinkingKap continues to be there for support to help them maintain focus as they implement and customize their new eLearning programs. We’re also their outsource development partner, so they throw courses they need developed over to us when they get bogged down internally.

Contact us

A Holistic Approach

Our organization was seeking a consulting company to advise us on our eLearning strategy. We looked at a lot of eLearning consulting companies before selecting ThinkingKap. We chose ThinkingKap because of their ability to combine a strategic approach to problem solving with deep tactical experience in the eLearning industry. Other vendors we looked at were focused solely on execution. With ThinkingKap we got much more holistic support from some leading experts in the industry. They were great to work with!