How to Make eLearning Stick

You want your trainees to remember what your training course taught them, right? That’s kind of the main objective for any eLearning course—to get participants to retain information and then use what they’ve learned in their roles at work. But research tells us that people generally forget about 50% of what they learn after one…

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How to Storyboard eLearning Courses

Think of a storyboard for an eLearning course like a comic strip: Each frame tells a part of a larger story and moves the course along. Without a storyboard, your course can be all over the place. It would look a little something like this: Lesson 1! Irrelevant interactive game! Lesson 5! Pop quiz! Matching…

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As someone who lives and breathes eLearning, you probably feel comfortable with terms like ‘Authoring Tool’ and ‘LMS.’ But when you go to a client or meet with executive leadership to explain what you’ll be doing when you design the eLearning course—you get some blank stares…and a lot of questions. The technical language means nothing…

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Reasons to be Thankful for eLearning

It’s the week of Thanksgiving, and while we’re busy basting turkeys and flipping through Black Friday ads, we should all take a moment to be thankful for eLearning. Wait…you weren’t thinking being thankful for eLearning? That’s weird. eLearning provides a lot of wonderful benefits that we really should celebrate. Let’s look at a few specific…

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Part Three: Managing the Process In part two of this series, we went over all of the many different people who bring a successful eLearning course to life. In our third and final piece, we’ll discuss the general progression that helps course development and execution happen smoothly and efficiently. Today’s focus: P = Process. Each…

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Part Two: Managing People In part one of this series, we talked about the performance expectations that define the scope and general objectives for a successful eLearning project. Now we’re going to look at the many different experts that have to come together to make an effective and interactive training resource. Today’s focus: P =…

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Part One: Managing Performance Expectations Projects, regardless of the type, are usually deemed unsuccessful when things don’t go as planned and goals aren’t met. Contributing factors often include limited resources or role ambiguity among the team, as well we process and communication breakdowns. This post is the first in a series of three directed at…

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One of the common obstacles Instructional Designers of today face is that “seat time” in training has been slashed—so learners have to complete courses at a highly efficient pace. More than ever, leadership wants employees to get training done (and fast) so they can get right to work. Reasons for Limited Seat Time in Training…

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